I Really Needed This!!

Bud & Muse Blog
2 min readDec 1, 2023


By: Dee Wilson

Currently, I’m going through a “mental reset.” You may ask what a “mental reset is.” Think about when you were so tired or stressed that you didn’t know if you were coming or going. Then, you finally reach your breaking point, and enough is enough. So you decide to make a change. That’s what I call a mental reset.

A woman stressed to the max.

So many of us go, go, go, and never think about what’s in front or behind us. It’s like being in a marathon and determined to make 1st place but have no idea what will come out of it once the race ends. Well, that was my experience. I went through an emotional, and I guess you may call it a “mental” breakdown that affected my health due to the overwhelming amount of stress at my workplace. I was working under one title but doing the work of several others. I never got a break and was on my feet all day, ensuring others could do their job. Every day started to become a marathon that I was determined to win, but what would that win do for me? Great question.

Photo by Pablo García Saldaña on Unsplash

Even today, I can’t tell you what I was striving for. Was it accolades, the boss’s favorite, hardworking, or the office bestie? I don’t know, but I discovered my grand prize was stress. After a health scare, I put in my two-week notice and started my mental reset journey. Join me on my blog series, Me, Reinvented: My Path to Personal Growth.

Photo by Maxime Horlaville on Unsplash



Bud & Muse Blog
Bud & Muse Blog

Written by Bud & Muse Blog

Embracing the hidden simplicity of life's chaotic nature...no 🧢 it really is the simple things